Regenerative Medicine and Orthobiologics
The intricate anatomical structures of biomechanics in the horse allow these animals, with proper conditioning and training, to exhibit impressive displays of athletic ability. When these complex structures suffer injury or insult from either acute trauma or repetitive use, it is imperative to allow your horse the time to heal and recover. The vast array of regenerative medicines available today aid in the healing process by promoting quicker regeneration and often facilitating the tissue to heal stronger than it would have without intervention. The field of regenerative medicine is constantly changing and rapidly advancing through new research. Dr. Young seeks out and utilizes treatments with the highest efficacy available in the industry today including, but not limited to:
RenoVō Equine Allograft- RenoVō® is a liquid, acellular, equine amniotic tissue allograft comprised of amnion and amniotic fluid, intended to supplement and protect tissues. Amnion and amniotic fluid are rich sources of biologically active factors involved in tissue regeneration with reported anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, re-epithelialization, and anti-fibrotic properties. Amniotic tissues contain key growth factors, cytokines, amino acids, hyaluronic acid, and extracellular matrix proteins recognized as intrinsic to the complex tissue healing process.
Platelet Rich Plasma. Not all PRP treatments are created equal and The Athletic Horse offers treatments that are top of the line. We forgo generic PRP processing kits in an effort to provide the most concentrated and regenerative PRP treatments possible. Platelet Rich Plasma has been diligently studied and proven to promote collagen healing and increase cellular metabolism by releasing growth factors at the site of an injury. The horse’s own body is quick to deliver platelets to an injury site to start the healing process. As a form of regenerative therapy, PRP has enjoyed a well-deserved spot at the top of the treatment list. Our processing protocol takes longer than commercially available kits however, we use our in-house hematology unit to confirm our platelet counts are second to none .
Alpha2EQ. The Alpha2EQ Orthobiologic therapy is an extraordinary advancement in equine lameness and osteoarthritis science, resulting from years of research to unlock the healing powers of Alpha-2 Macroglobulin (α2M), a naturally occurring molecule in the horse’s bloodstream.
This incredible molecule is the body’s natural defense against cartilage breakdown, joint pain, and inflammation.
Unfortunately, this α2M molecule is too large to enter the joint or disc space in large enough quantities to be effective. It’s there, but it can’t get to the site that needs relief. The solution? Astaria Global has patented the first and only AlphaActive™ Concentration Process that isolates and concentrates the Alpha-2 Macroglobulin molecule for use in joint therapy. This process is specifically designed for inflammation and degeneration of joints in horses by concentrating the healing power of α2M in the highest level available on the market today.
Stem Cell Therapy is another form of orthobiologic treatment that relies on cells produced by the horse’s own body. Bone marrow aspirate can be harvested from the sternum or pelvis and then sent to a specialized facility to reproduce and bank stem cells specific to each patient. These stem cells have the amazing ability to be utilized as almost any type of cell type or tissue. Stem cells have been shown to have powerful regenerative properties based on their ability to differentiate into specialized tissue cells.